A fun, lighthearted cycling show covering race talk and more.

Dylan Johnson, Scott McGill, and Adam Saban, collectively known as The Bonk Bros, bring you a weekly fresh take on all the latest happenings in the world of bike racing. We banter on all the latest recent and breaking news in the bike racing scene during this fun, low-key conversational show that is sure to bring the heat.

Dylan Johnson

Dylan "DJ" Johnson, aero aficionado, steel drums stan, backwards hat connoisseur. A real talent since his college days, Dylan established himself on the National Ultra-Endurance mountain bike circuit, winning endurance races all over the country. It wasn't long before DJ was called by the Spirit to the burgeoning gravel scene where he has cemented himself as a fixture of 17th place. Though his results may be marginally on the first page, the gains slung by the Tire Wizard of YouTube are definitely maximal.

Events: Anything LifeTime Grand Prix, Wind Tunnel Testing

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Drew Dillman

Drew "Dizzle" Dillman, everyone's favorite Home Improvement DIY influencer they haven't found on IG yet. A real hard worker since his college years, Dizzle established himself on the collegiate racing scene, winning races of every discipline for the Marian powerhouse. It wasn't long before Dizzle was called by the Spirit to the extra long cyclocross scene (aka gravel), where he has cemented himself as BWR King of the Dirt. Though his results may be marginally better or worse than DJ's, the Matt Fitzgerald quotes shared by the Wilson Wilson Jr. of YouTube are life-altering.

Events: Also Anything LifeTime Grand Prix, VO2 Testing, BWR Trippel Crown

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Adam Saban

Adam Saban, the proverbial wind beneath the wings of the Bonk Bros Podcast. Or maybe the Dynaplug that keeps the whole show rolling from week to week. A man of many talents, Adam brings nuggets of bike tech wisdom to every episode, providing a level of experience and professionalism the rest of us can't even comprehend. When he's not wrangling the rest of the Bonk Bros, you'll likely find him stealing your local KOMs or hitting bombs from the tee at your local golf course. Don't forget to leave him some Kudos 👍

Events: Midwest Locals, Andorra Epic, Nepomuk Narly, Dakota Five-O, Chequamegon, Iceman

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Scott McGill

Scott McGill, the most talented bike racer you've never heard of, and never will if he has a choice. He's also won more races than anyone else on the podcast, but you've never heard any of those either. When he's not busy competing in anonymity, Scott graces the airwaves with his dulcet tones to remind us that real talent would rather be hunting, or fishing, or doing literally anything else. Maybe he'll join the gravel game, just don't expect to hear about it.

Events: Redlands Cycling Classic, BWR California, no one really cares...

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Tyler Cloutier

Tyler is the embodiment of the term "semi-professional". Whether in his day job, his athletic abilities, his lukewarm takes on gravel racing (aka repeating what Adam said), or keeping a finger, lightly, on the pulse of the latest races, he is a true master of none. Though his interests are many, he has pursued many different racing disciplines and found his home in the shallow pond of cycling, cyclocross. While he no longer races at the elite level, he'll gladly tell you about the times he raced with MVDP and Wout for 20 minutes and continue to provide (somewhat) accurate information to the Bonk Bros rambling.

Events: Rule of 3, Chequamegon MTB Festival, Iceman Cometh

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