If you have any questions or feedback for the show you can drop us a note at bonkbrospodcast@gmail.com or you can holla at ya boys on the Bonk Bros insta (@bonkbros @dylanjawnson @adamsaban6 @tylerclouti @raddaddizzle @scottmcgilljr).

Bonk Bros Bonk Bros

Episode 100 • New Sound Same Us | Scott Throws Down at US Pro Nats, International Affairs at Gravel Locos, and DJ Hot Takes

What is up party people. Did you hear that? Yeah that’s right, we’re coming atcha with some fresh beats as we enter a new era for the podcast. Episode 100 means it’s time to turn it up a notch and that intro was just a little something our new producer cooked up as one of the many creative ideas they’ve been throwing at us for how we can level up the show for y’all to keep things spicy. Speaking of leveling up, if you’ve been tuning into these episode via YouTube then you’ve gotten a little sneak peak at our latest re-branding efforts WHICH are also dropping today with the launch of our revamped website including a landing page where you can learn a little bit about each of the Bonk Bros, check out some of the marquee events each of us plan to be at this season, and even a merch page that we’ll be continuing to update as new designs come through. Yeah that’s right, new sound and look but don’t worry, we’ll still be the same ol’ Bonk Bros for as long as y’all keep tuning in. We’re talking Scott absolutely throwing down at US Pro Nats (and Dizzle going down - yikes, but he’s all good) with a podium spot in the crit and 4th place in the road race, the international podium sweep at Gravel Locos this past weekend, and DJ’s latest hot take on Alexey Vermeulen deciding to skip Unbound in exchange for being a civilized sibling and attending his brothers wedding instead. All this and more coming right up.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 99 • Smashing Miles and Immunity, AI or Bust, and the Outlook Remains Bright for US XCO Racing

What up party people. No funny business with weird hand stuff this week because Dizzle wanted another crack at the YouTube intro so I get to revert back to my normal into routine and not worry about how goofy I look doing so. We’re talking DJ smashing so many miles, the only stone left unturned was bolstering his dainty immune system, Dizzle taking a play out of John McCarthy playbook and utilizing one of life’s greatest resources to generate some new merch that will be coming soon, and before we dive into listener questions we riff a bit on the latest in the world of American XCO mountain bike racing with the youngsters already solidifying their tickets to the Olympics. All that an more coming right up!

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 98 • Pogačar’s Mix-n-Match Giro Kit, DJ’s Bike Fit Sorcery, Scott’s Return to Gravel, and The Traka 360… or is it the Traka 200?

What up party people. Sorry, I don’t know why I just did that. Apparently we’re putting these things back on YouTube now because so many of y’all requested to not just listen to our dreamy voices each week but you actually want to see our beautiful faces too. SO I didn’t want to look like Will Farrel and not know what to do with my hands but I think whatever I just did was actually worse. Anyways, we’re talking Giro updates and whatever in the hell Tadej has going on with his mix-matched kit, we answer some listener questions pertaining to DJ and the bike fit sorcery he has going on, Scott tells us about his planned return to gravel racing to try and upkeep his undefeated record, and we also touch on some happenings across the pond at the Traka 360 this past weekend. Or is it the 200? No one knows.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 97 • The Matt Beers Takedown at BWR Cali, DJ is the Modern Day Nostradamus of the Bike Industry, and Will Keegan Swenson Ever Get Tired of Winning?

What up party people. Let’s just address the giant elephant in the room from the jump. Last weeks audio straight up sucked. I know it, you know it, and apparently every beer binging, cat loving internet troll also knows it too. Look, I did the best I could to try and salvage the entire episode while working with corrupted files but lesson learned, now I know to just scrap it rather than put out a dumpster fire episode like that again. Anyways, I had more time to work with yet another set of jank ass files this week so I’m coining this the redemption episode because after days of editing I was able to revive the final cut back to our usual standards (which fortunately that bar is already pretty low). We are actively seeking a replacement for myself so I can better spend my time and alleviate myself from all the hate mail and death threats from y’all hooligans (okay luckily there weren’t any actual death threats but damn it sure felt like it at times). SO if you’re listening and you think you have the skills to be a top notch producer and want to throw your application in the hat, you’ve got until end of day Sunday to drop us a note. We’re looking to hire someone stat. Let’s see, what else. Oh yeah, the episode. We’ve got Sea Otter recap, tire talk, and more coming right up.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 96 • The Redemption Episode ft. Sea Otter Recap, Tire Talk, and More

What up party people. Let’s just address the giant elephant in the room from the jump. Last weeks audio straight up sucked. I know it, you know it, and apparently every beer binging, cat loving internet troll also knows it too. Look, I did the best I could to try and salvage the entire episode while working with corrupted files but lesson learned, now I know to just scrap it rather than put out a dumpster fire episode like that again. Anyways, I had more time to work with yet another set of jank ass files this week so I’m coining this the redemption episode because after days of editing I was able to revive the final cut back to our usual standards (which fortunately that bar is already pretty low). We are actively seeking a replacement for myself so I can better spend my time and alleviate myself from all the hate mail and death threats from y’all hooligans (okay luckily there weren’t any actual death threats but damn it sure felt like it at times). SO if you’re listening and you think you have the skills to be a top notch producer and want to throw your application in the hat, you’ve got until end of day Sunday to drop us a note. We’re looking to hire someone stat. Let’s see, what else. Oh yeah, the episode. We’ve got Sea Otter recap, tire talk, and more coming right up.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 95 • Sea Otter Classic Preview and Such (The Corrupted File Episode...)


What up party people. The recording was a little disjointed with half the crew traveling to Sea Otter and I was scrambling to make it home from a whirlwind of a few days of engineering work up in Minneapolis so excuse any interruptions as a result. As a result, it seems the tracks somehow got corrupted and made for a nightmare of an editing session. So yeah, we’re talking Sea Otter and such.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 94 • World Tour Crashes, Gravel Bikes at Paris Roubaix, BWR Utah Mishaps, and DJ and Scott are Local Bullies

What up party people. We had to record this one super early Monday morning so Scott could catch a flight to Cali for Tour of Redlands so if you’re a Patreon supporter this show is hitting y’alls earholes an extra couple days in advance. The conversations got a little off topic at times but for the most part we’re talking gnarly World Tour crashes, another absolute domination performance at Paris Roubaix, Dizzle’s BWR Utah mishaps, and would someone call the bully police on Scott and DJ already for beating up on another contingent of juniors and middle-aged weekend warriors at their local races again.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 93 • Smack Talk, Dizzles Birthday Fools’n, the Return of Road Racing, and Is Gravel Going Soft?

What up party people. New show comin’ atcha with all sorts of hot takes for y’all over the next hour and change. We’ve got Scott’s hot take on the resurgence of domestic road racing, DJ bringing the heat over news of BWR course changes due to… wait for it… it being too cold? Oh and we also find out on the air that Dizzle’s birthday was in fact the same day as April Fools and we completely missed it.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 92 • Scott’s Back With Vengeance, Cape Epic Upset, and The DJ v Dizzle Saga Continues

What’s up party people. Happy Friday y’all and boy is it a good day to be alive. Scott’s back from his underground Euro campaign, which of course we get into right at the onset of the show. DJ and Dizzle also brought the inter-squad competition to the lab and wind tunnel this week so we get a little scoop on the latest drama there, and we also touch on some Cape Epic news that might have some heads turning before the start of the Life Time Grand Prix kickoff next month. All that and more coming in hot.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 91 • Bonk Bros x Mid South Takeover

What up party people. The Bonk Bros are back from our Mid South takeover and we have loads of stories coming out of the weekend that we get into in this episode. A big shout to all the fans of the show that came up to us over the weekend and expressed your stoke on what we do with the podcast. I’ll be honest, when I went to the gym first thing Monday morning and didn’t have a single person come up to me mentioning the podcast for the first time in 3 days it was kinda weird, y’all crazy fans really do have a lasting affect and it was so much fun to be around for it. We get into plenty more than just Mid South on this recording but you’ll just have to tune in til the end to find out.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 90 • Mid South Preview, America’s Got Talent, and Dylan Went on a Very Nice Ride

What up party people. Happy hump day. Well at least in my land it’s Wednesday while I’m recording this, who knows what day it is for y’all but either way, we’ve got the unofficial kickoff to the gravel season this week and your boys are going to be down in Stilly representin this weekend at MidSouth. We decided to release this episode a day early so y’all can get your fix in before the shenanigans start going down Friday. If you’ll be out there, come find us at booth 42 and check out a sneak peak of some new swag we’ve got in the works. We might even just let one of y’all get lucky and walk away with something of your own.

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James Q+M James Q+M

Episode 89 • BWR AZ, TT Helmet Absurdity, Tire Pressure, and Inside Jokes

What up party people. We’ve got a jam packed show for y’all this week. I had to duck out early so I’m not totally sure what the rest of the crew talked about for the final half hour but while I was still on we heard Dizzle’s breakdown from BWR AZ, talk about the whack new TT helmet just released by Giro, assess Keegan’s claimed tire pressure numbers, and more.

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