Episode 81 • Non-aero Aero Helmets, GAS, and We Got Punked - At Least We Think So…


What up party people. Shout to one of our listeners for sending in the clip from Family Guy that inspired the party people tag line - it took over a year for someone to finally bridge the connection. I don’t even like Family Guy but that was one of the one-liners I remember and it’s always stuck. So who knows, now that I’m outed, might have to come up with some other way of addressing y’all at the stop or maybe we’ll just stick with it. Anyways, with another slow week in the bike racing world we brought some discussion topics to the table again before diving into some fun listener questions. We’ve got a huge backlog of submissions so if you’ve sent in a burning question that you really want an answer to asap for timing relevancy, make sure to note this early in your question so we can try to get to it on time.


Episode 82 • Hot Takes, Gear Talk, and Dylan's Mystery Bike Sponsor


Episode 80 • New Year New Us! or whatever…